Artist Alley at NDK



**Please note that  NO PHOTOGRAPHY and NO AI ART  is allowed in Artist Alley to protect the hard work of our Artists.** 

Hello! Welcome to the Artist Alley page! We welcome all artists to come and review our rules and apply to Artist Alley when applications are open! Here at Nan Desu Kan, we work hard to make sure all artists get a fair chance to enter the alley. We try to be as transparent as possible with our rules and requirements all year long so everyone knows what is expected of them when it comes time to apply. We do ask for some patience when waiting for replies. We look forward to seeing you apply!

Nan Desu Kan is home to a large and flourishing Artist Alley that boasts 40,000 square feet and 250 tables of handcrafted items from both local and international artists.  Our artists bring anything and everything related to anime and Japanese culture. Past tables have included artistic prints, original paintings, metal art, fiber art, sculpture, jewelry, cosplay accessories, key chains, plushies, and anything else you can imagine.

Artist Alley is also home to the tables where our Guests of Honor hang out and where you can get autographs and headshots from them. Come by and say hello!



    Artists Alley Rules

    Artist Alley Hours:

    Friday 8/29:   3 pm to 8 p.m. 

    Saturday 8/30:   10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 

    Sunday 8/31:   10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 


    Note: There is currently not a Thursday setup time available.

    Approved Themes for Artist Alley

    Artist Alley tables are intended for Anime or Japanese inspired original artwork, crafts, fan art, original comic, doujinshi, and fanzines. Any applications for a business selling videos, software, or any mass produced, resale items, books or items not relevant to the theme of the convention will not be considered. The convention reserves the right to prohibit the sale of any merchandise or service that they feel is inappropriate.

    These rules apply to every member of your artists group! If one member of your group signs up with something that disqualifies them, the entire group is disqualified.

    Artist Requirements
    • All artists and artist helpers MUST be registered and have a badge for NDK. Badges must be worn at all times while on the con floor. Artists will have two badges included with their table.
    • Artists are expected to be open and available at their table during AA operating hours as listed above. We expect you to be at your table by 9:30am on Saturday and 10:30am on Sunday at the very latest. If something comes up or you know you won’t be able to make it for one of the days, please contact the Artist Alley Area Heads as soon as possible. Note: Early closures for the Cosplay Contest are acceptable.
    • No-Shows: Artists who do not check in to their tables by 10am on Saturday will have their space sold to other artists, and will not be welcome back. This is only for check in, not set up. If you are delayed for any reason, please contact the Artist Alley Area Heads as soon as you can.
    • Please inform the Artists Alley Area Heads of any business name change. You will need to inform us so we can correctly list you in our Program Book and our website.PG-13 and 18+ Materials.
    • There is a new 18 + section located inside the Exhibitors Hall. However, outside of this space, 18+ items are strictly prohibited.  18+ materials include: any kind of pornography or otherwise excessive sexuality (hentai, yaoi, yuri,) excessive gore, or excessive violence. If you are found to be displaying any sort of 18+ material outside of the designated 18+ area, you will be warned once to put it away. Further violations will result in a permanent ban. The acceptability of any product is the sole discretion of the Artist Alley Area head.
    • There is a strict PG-13+ rule in Artist Alley. Artists are allowed to bring PG-13 material, but due to the family-friendly nature of the convention, it may not be openly displayed. Suggestive images, mild fanservice, artistic nudity, and the like, must have black sensor boxes over any exposed sexual areas, bare breasts, panties, etc. No cursing or inappropriate language please, there is no reason to have art or buttons displayed where these are involved. If you want to do so in a commission that’s ok, but it’s not ok elsewhere. If you are found displaying any sort of PG-13+ art without black boxes or proper censoring, you will be warned twice; further violations will result in a ban. If you have any questions about an image please ask with at least 2 weeks prior notice to the convention.
    • Artists should proceed with caution if there are scented items on your table. Please do your best to keep these sealed as well as you can. This is not only respectful to your fellow artists, but also to attendees and staff that may be sensitive to smells.
    Artwork Requirements:
    • Nan Desu Kan is a 501 c4 Nonprofit organization dedicated to Japanese Art, Animation and Culture. All items for sale in Artist Alley MUST be relevant to this theme or relevant to Japanese culture, or the interest of anime fandom. For example, if you wish to sell work from your own comic please provide links so we can ensure they fall within the rules or mass produced books will not be added into the lottery. However, items such as chibi crocheted cupcake plushies, which are relevant to fandom (kawaii/pop culture) are acceptable.
    • Absolutely NO AI artwork is allowed.
    • All work sold in Artist Alley must be original artwork, crafts, or fan art. Stolen, Redrawn or plagiarized work is strictly forbidden in Artist Alley. Copying and attempting to sell any existing official art or fanart, regardless of what medium it is copied onto, is recognized as theft by the state of Colorado. This includes but is not limited to copying existing art and drawing in a different background.
    • The name of a series and/or character CANNOT be included on any product, display, packaging; this goes for both English and Japanese. No art or packaging containing these names can be sold in Artists Alley. The same goes for using licensed names, characters or series on a display.
    • Artists are also not allowed to sell any kind of art or product with any kind of official logo. This includes Key chains, buttons, badges or any other item. Note: The use of fabric pre-printed with official character artwork or logos is also strictly forbidden, and will get you immediately disqualified.  If you have questions on any fabric or pre-printed media, please ask.
    • All products in Artist Alley must be made by you, or someone in your group. No official/commercially made merchandise allowed. 
    • Products released officially either in the US or Japan cannot be sold in Artists Alley. We want work from you, not someone else.
    • NO FOOD or drink (both homemade or commercially produced) products of any kind are allowed to be sold in Artists Alley. Sorry, this is convention center policy.
    • All items for sale must be approved prior to the convention. If you want to sell something new that was not included in your application, then you have to get it approved before the convention. Having items on your table that have not been approved before the convention will result in a warning, and you could be asked to put the product away. This restriction goes for contest winners and lottery winners.
    • Artists are free to arrange their table space as they see fit so long as it follows fire code. Artists may supply their own tables, racks and chairs at no additional cost. Artists must stay within the space that is allotted to them; you may not let your table or display items bleed into another artist’s space or the walkways between tables. NDK reserves the right to approve the setup including TVs, speakers, tables, etc. Also, staff is allowed to restrict what can be heard and viewed outside of your area.
    • Crochet/Knitted pieces are allowed, but must get approval prior to the convention to make sure they are not from copyrighted material (like woobles), too close to copyrighted material or unauthorized patterns to sell.
    • Fabric: many craft items are made with fabric, this is ok for the most part but there are some restrictions. Fabric containing licensed images such as: Disney, Pokemon, Hubble, Hello Kitty, My Little Pony, etc are not allowed. This is the same as using official merchandise and altering it.

    All tables are equally divided between each of the 4 categories listed below. If there are any leftover tables from one category, they are then divided equally between the other categories.


    Printed Art: Art presented in traditional mediums of pen, pencil, paint, digital art. Artwork in this category is primarily presented on paper, canvas, metal etc. This includes art prints, stickers, keychains, bookmarks, books, etc. 

    Printed Art Plus Merchandise:  Includes everything in the Printed Art category above, but also includes other forms of art printed on pencil bags, mouse pads, T-shirts, and other art-related merchandise. 

    Handcrafted: This category is for people who create art in a 3D physical form: resin, fabric, woodcraft, textile art, yarn art, figurines, sculpture, jewelry, etc. Please note that entries in this category still must be relevant to Japanese art, animation, and culture. 

    Hybrid: This category includes everything from the three categories above. Tables in this category have a wide variety of items to purchase, and perhaps have equal parts of each category above. Items such as blankets, pillow cases, and pillows with your art printed on it will put you in Hybrid.

    18+: This category includes all 18+ styles of artwork such as nudity, sexual activities, gore and violence. Anything depicting excessive gore, non-consensual acts, and minors are not allowed at any point on the convention floor, even in the 18+. (You may be moved to this category if you have multiple 18+ on your website/social media unless otherwise noted on your application)


    If you are unsure what category you fall under, select unsure when you apply and we will put your application in the right category.

    Automatic Disqualifiers

    If you are worried about what might disqualify you automatically from getting into NDK’s Artist Alley, please see below:

    • AI artwork 
    • Redraw challenges
    • Excessively religious, political, or gory
    • Racism – Please see NDK’s Harassment policy 
    • Application not being fully filled out
    • Official merchandise
    • Work that is not your own
    • Work that can be linked to an official product or image
    • Use of official logos and fonts
    • Applying as a group on multiple applications


    If you have any questions regarding this list, and need further information, please contact Artist Alley with your questions in advance before you apply.

    What’s Allowed and What’s Not Allowed

    Must Review Before You Apply!

    Must Review Before You Apply!

    We hope this will help clarify some of what is and isn’t allowed in NDK’s  AA. Much of what is allowed falls into a gray area, the point of this thread is to help make that gray area a bit clearer. Every year we end up having to disqualify some amazing artists, simply because they have something that can’t be sold at NDK. We hope that by creating this example page, we won’t have to do that quite as much.

    Examples are below. *All images used on this page belong to their respective owners.*

    Logos and Symbols

    Here is a breakdown of the following three areas:

    • Definition: Symbola mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process OR a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.
    • Definition: Logo a symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc.

    Logos VS Symbols – cases where it is used it would be a logo but if used differently would be considered a symbol.

    • What it means for you – If the symbol is stand alone or a major focal point then it can not be used.  Examples but not limited to:  being on a button, being more than 25% of the work, not being in your own art style etc.
      • Cannot be used by itself like on a button or pin
      • Cannot exactly match the original image, must be partially obscured or stylized enough that it’s recognizable but not an exact match
      • Cannot be the sole focus of an art piece just part of the picture where you’d expect the image to be like eyes or sails
    Logo Examples

    Logo Examples:

    From One Piece all Jolly Roger type images are considered logos when by themselves.


    Fairy Tail: The logos used on the members by the guilds.



     From Naruto: The art that appears on the headbands like the leaf and the red and black eyes are considered logos when by themselves.






    Symbol vs Logo Examples

    Symbol vs. Logo Examples

    The Sailor Moon Sailor Scouts Planet signs, using the general planet signs is considered a symbol but using the alterations on some that were used for the series is considered a logo. (Yes, we know some are the same, and those ones are fine, it’s the altered for the show ones that are not allowed.)



    Generic Symbols Example







    Sailor Moon Symbols Example







    The Tri-force from Zelda is by itself a symbol but is considered a logo since it appears in the title of the game.












    Pokeball: the original red and white pokeball is considered a logo while the others come close to being logos as well. This is for charms, plush, and buttons for the most part, you can stylize it in fan art and other mediums so that you can tell what it is without being exactly like. And for the record, outside of stylized fan art where it is only a small part of the overall image, the use of pokeballs will get you disqualified.








    Series Names

    Series Names

    • The name of a series CANNOT be included in any piece of art (of any kind), on any display, or any packaging; this goes for both English and Japanese. This includes similar font faces and structure (see image below)
    • No art or packaging containing these names can be sold in Artists Alley, you will be asked once to remove them. 
    • The same goes for using said names on a display, you will be asked to change the display. 
    • This rule applies to even partially obscured names in the background of the image.

    Official Merchandise

    Official Merchandise

    General Rule: If we can trace something to an officially released item, it will not be allowed no matter what medium is used. This includes plush or stuffed items: Stuffed fabric, knitted or crocheted items, felt items, etc. Basically if there’s an official stuffed version any stuffed medium is out.

    Also, using official merchandise and altering it in some way, including adding something to it, is not allowed. This is considered the same as selling official merchandise, which we do not allow in AA.

    The following is not a complete list, but it covers several examples. If you have questions, ask.

    Dragon Ball, DBZ, DBGT: Dragon Balls are official items.



     Pokemon Balls are also considered official merchandise no matter the medium.



    Dr Who: There are official hats, bags, charms, and plush. There is an increasing number of official products out now, so ask if you are unsure!











    Harry Potter: While there are several official wands, the wand itself is allowed provided it doesn’t look exactly like the official ones. However- there are official robes available, so they are no longer allowed.










    Kingdom Hearts: There are officially licensed keyblades out there, this includes charms and keychains

    Kingdom Hearts 1

    Kingdom Hearts 2









    Hello Kitty: AKA Sanrio, this series is officially licensed and the use of any plush, charms, fabric, or official merchandise will get you disqualified.









    My Little Pony: Plush: All forms of MLP plush are not allowed, this is because there are official plush  out. This also includes characters that have not been officially released yet.

    My Little Pony: Charms: Because there are a number of official MLP charms out, clay and similar material charms are not allowed.

    My Little Pony: Cutie Marks: We allow the use of cutie marks only if the artist uses more than the main six. This means that we want more cutie marks to broaden this area and make it less focused on the main characters.

    MLP Plush

    MLP Charms






    Pokemon Plush: Pokemon plush are not allowed, there are a number of official ones out there

    Pokemon Charms and Buttons: Pokemon charms are no longer allowed; this goes for creatures and pokeballs. Creatures are allowed in buttons provided the art is the artists own style (does not look like the official art); pokeball buttons will get you disqualified.

    Pokemon: Hats: There are official trainer hats out there but creating hats in the likeness of a pokemon character is ok as long as it isn’t the character just slapped onto the hat.




    Sailor Moon: Lockets, pendants, crystals, mirrors, tiaras, are all official items and cannot be sold.

     Sailor Moon jewels







    Demon Slayer: Plush, figurines, and clothes cannot be sold as there are official products out there.



    Artist Alley FAQs

    Q: When is Registration open for Artists Alley?

    A: The submission window is February 1st – February 15th 2025.  All applications that meet the qualifications will be added to the Live Lotto drawing on March 22nd, 2025

    Q: Where do I register for Artists Alley?

    The application is located at the bottom of this page. Keep Scrolling!

    Q: Are Tables first come-first served? How are they chosen?

    A:   In the interest of objectivity and fairness, NDK chooses Artist Alley Tables by random lottery.

    All artist submissions must follow NDK’s Artwork Requirements. If the artists’ material qualifies, they are placed into the lottery of the category they chose to apply for. Our lottery is powered by a random number generator for complete transparency and objectivity.

    Artists who qualify for the lottery, but are not picked to have a table during lottery selection are automatically placed on the waitlist.

    Q: How much does a table cost and what is included?

    A: Prices for NDK 2025:

    1. Beginner Table, $210, two badges. (First Year Artists, or 5+ years of not selling at NDK)
    2. Single Table, Returning Artist, $ 260, includes two Artist Alley badges. 
    3. Double Table, Returning Artist, $465, includes two Artist Alley badges
    4. Pro Artist Booth, 10×10 space, $565, includes two tables and two Artist Alley badges

    Extra badges for AA staff can be purchased at the Exhibitor’s hall table for $55 each.

    What NDK will provide per table: 

    Single table:   1  6×2 table, 2 folding chairs, 1 badge
    Double table:    2  6×2 tables next to each other, 2 folding chairs, 2 badges
    Pro Booth:   2  6×2 tables, 2 folding chairs, 2 badges, you may set your tables as you like within the 10×10 space.

    What the artist will have to provide for their table: 

    • Table coverings
    • Your own decorations and set up
    • Food and water
    • Power can be purchased closer to the convention. Please request it if you need it in the application. Otherwise please bring a battery pack.
    • Consistent internet connection. NDK will not be providing this to the artists.


    Pro-booths may purchase a third table for $100.

    Q: When do you pay for your table or space in Artists Alley?

    A: You do not pay for your table or space in Artist Alley until the contracts are emailed to you (within a month of the lottery). You will have to print, fill out the contract and scan it back in as a pdf or image file. You will have about a month to make your payment and return the form, if you fail to do so your space will be given to someone on the waiting list.

    Note: if possible please name the images/file with your business name and the year.

    Q: Will I need a sales tax license?

    A: Yes, when you are emailed your contract you will also receive a link to the Colorado event license page, you will have to print, fill out, and mail it with a check or money order. Once you get your license back you MUST email us a copy.

    Q: I have more than one person selling stuff in my group, do we sign up and/or pay separately?

    A: It is one application per group, if multiple people submit applications for the same artists all will be automatically disqualified.

    Q: I have friends that will be watching our table from time to time, do they have to sign up if they are not selling anything?

    A: All tables come with two artist alley badges. If you have additional table watchers, they must have an attendee badge and must have the approval from Artist Alley Staff Heads.

    Q: If there is a table that is left open at some point during the convention, can I set my stuff up or move from my current table to the empty one?

    A: No. All tables are assigned and cannot be changed, even if the artist or guest isn’t currently at their table. If you attempt to take over another’s space you will have your badge punched and could get banned for life. If we move someone all parties will be contacted directly by the AA Area Heads.

    Q: I have a friend who is on the waitlist and I know I’ll have some open space at my table during the convention, can they use that space?

    A: If you have space that you aren’t going to use please ask for a smaller space. You cannot add friends from the waitlist to your group. If it is a new member to your already existing group then contact us ASAP so that it can be discussed in private before the convention. They will need to have their products approved before they are given the go ahead. Artists who miss the signup window cannot be added to any existing group. Sorry, we’re doing this to be fair to the artists on the waitlist.

    Q: For the lottery if I don’t get a space in the group I applied for can I be put in the next group down to try again? (aka pro booth to double table to single table)

    A: No, once you send in your application you are stuck in that group for the lottery. You may however downsize your space at any time once you win it. Be aware that once you downsize your space you will not be able to get the larger space back.

    Q: Can my group apply more than once if different members apply so that if one doesn’t get in we can share and if all get in we can have space next to each other?

    A: No, doing so will get you disqualified.

    Q: Will I be disqualified if I apply with something like a logo or other rule breaking item? What if I have items listed on my website that I don't intend to bring to NDK?

    A.Please review our auto disqualifications section. If you have items on your website that you are aware of that may count as an auto disqualification, but do not intend on selling these items at the convention, please add that to the notes of the application. If you have a question about those items, please contact Artist Alley with your concerns.


    Q: Can you tell me where my spot is before the con and/or release a map of AA?

    A: Yes! When we are two weeks out from the convention, an announcement will be made for the locations of the tables.

    Note: requesting extra space, power, extra chairs, or placement in a certain area or next to someone does not guarantee that you will get it.  We only have so many areas certain requests can be filled and they go fast. All tables are assigned and cannot be changed.

    Q: Once I set on Friday, can I leave everything set up all weekend?

    A: You can leave your table set up at night when AA closes. The entire Exhibitors hall is locked overnight, but we recommend using a table covering for when you leave and taking your valuables and cash with you.

    Q: How are wait-list artists chosen?

    A: If a lotto winner drops or loses their space a new lottery is held. Example: a pro booth dropped, the remaining pro booths are rolled on and the winner fills the space.

    Up to one month before the con: If a single and double tables open a new single table lottery is held by category up until a month before the con. Example: a craft category artist drops out; the waitlist craft category aritsts will be lotteried and the winner fills the space. 

    One month before NDK or later:  Artist that also selected the last minute waitlist option will be lotteried and contacted, and they will have a week to respond or it goes to the next artist on the list.

    Note: two weeks before con when all tables are full we will contact 1-2 artists from the last minute list and ask if they want to be the artist to fill in if someone does not show by Saturday of con, we will not accept anyone showing up asking on site.


    Q: Can I send an Agent to stand in for me?

    A: No. Selling items belonging to someone else without approval or consent from both the maker and the Artists Alley Area Head, will get you and your entire group in trouble. There are special exceptions for collaborative work as well as Active Military; see the official rules for full details.


     Note: Guest Artists are allowed to have agents, anyone else found acting as someone’s agent without special permission and product approval will be banned.

     Note: Make sure to check the allowed and not allowed page to avoid getting disqualified, if one member signs up with something that will disqualify them then the entire group is out of the running, period.

    Q: I have 18+ work, can I still apply?

    18+ material is not allowed in Artist Alley. HOWEVER we do have a separate curtained off 18+ section in the official merchandise area, if you apply with 18+ material your application will be put into that category of the lottery.

    Q: What do warning and being banned mean?

    A: Warnings are just that, warnings. It means you are breaking a rule. More than -two warnings- will result in a one year ban. Breaking some of the more serious rules, breaking enough rules to warrant more than a year ban, or not showing up at all without an explanation, results in every member of said group being banned from selling in AA for life.

    Note: Warnings are pretty rare since everyone usually does a good job following the rules. Banning, even a year ban, is rarer still. Most of those banned are those that never show up to claim their table space at the con and never make contact again.

    Artist Alley Application Submissions are closed for 2025! Thank you to everyone who applied!