Japanese Guest Autograph Lottery & Policies

Due to high demand, all Japanese Guests Autograph Passes are given away via a lottery system. You may sign up for the lottery using the form below (once it becomes available closer to the con).
Signups begin as soon as the submission form is posted and continue until 9am Saturday morning at of the NDK weekend. 

The winners of the lottery will be informed via email and may pick up their passes at convention Operations any time after 11am on Saturday. You must have a government issued photo ID matching the name you submitted to the lottery form to pick up the pass. Passes will be available for pickup from 11am Saturday until the scheduled autograph session is over later that afternoon.

All Autograph passes are good for one single signature on one item, no exceptions. No bootleg items are allowed to be autographed; if you are unsure, please ask one of our Guest Services Staff. The Japanese Guest will not offer additional signatures the free pass is used.

A few reminders on good autograph etiquette:

  • Please ask before taking pictures of the guest
  • Please do not touch the guest for any reason
  • Do not offer the guest any food or gifts