Cosplay Dress Code
Dress Code:
- Shoes are required on the convention floor.
- Upper Body Coverage: Everyone must have 60% of both sides of their chest covered, regardless of gender. Pasties are not enough coverage.
- Tops must be secured, and not fly open if you are walking or moving. Vests or capes that do not have 60% front upper body coverage are not acceptable.
- Bare Abdomens and bare backs are allowed.
- Bottom coverage: As with tops, at least 60% of your behind must be covered by your clothing. If you have to pull down your costume to maintain the coverage requirements, you’re not wearing enough. No thongs.
- Mesh, and See-through Clothing: You must still wear the minimum requirement of opaque coverage underneath all transparent clothing. No lingerie costumes.
- Anatomically correct and sexually explicit images on clothing are not allowed.
- Dance Belts: All persons wearing tight fitting costumes are required to wear a dance belt. We should not be able to see your anatomy.
- Large Costume pieces: Attached costume elements should not extend more than 1 foot from the body at your feet, arms or torso. Please be mindful of the people around you, and use common sense when moving around with large costumes.
- Wings should extend no more than 2.5 feet away from the body. If your wings are retractable, please keep them collapsed until you are in an open area.
- No Signs are allowed, even if it relates to your character.
- Metal Props are not allowed, including metal bats, pipes, oversized tools, shovels, stop signs, etc. Handcuffs, leashes, and chains over 6 inches long are strictly prohibited.
Weapons Policy:
Please read all of the policies below before bringing a weapon to NDK.
- All prop weapons must be taken to the Prop Check Desk to be peace bonded as soon as you arrive at NDK. This is located inside the NDK Registration/Badge Pickup hall.
- We reserve the right to refuse any weapon on the convention floor for any reason. The Ops department has the final say.
- If you are caught fighting or brandishing any prop in a threatening manner (even if you’re joking around), your badge will be punched, and you will be asked to take your prop off the convention floor.
Real Guns: No firearms are allowed at NDK. Police will be notified if firearms are brought onto the premises, and you will be banned from the convention permanently. No exceptions, even if you have a concealed carry license.
Ammunition: No real or realistic-looking ammunition or incendiary devices are allowed.
Prop Guns, (realistic shape): Absolutely no metal prop guns of any kind. All prop guns must have orange tips. The body of all prop guns must be painted a light, non-realistic color. Colors not allowed are: black, grey, silver, gold, brown, metallic, and any color of camouflage. Metallic accent colors are allowed if it is less than 10% of the total body of the prop gun. We should be able to tell your prop gun isn’t real from a 50-foot distance.
Airsoft and Paintball Guns: Cannot have working parts, and must be painted a light unrealistic gun color.
Prop Guns, (non-unrealistic) If the weapon is non-realistic in appearance, any shade of body color is acceptable.
Metal Swords, Knives and Throwing Weapons: No metal swords, blades or throwing weapons are allowed, including shuriken and boomerangs, or items that look like them. Pocket knives are allowed if the blades are 4 inches or less.
Weapons Purchased in the Dealers Room: If you purchase a realistic weapon from a dealer, you must put it in your car or room immediately and keep it in its original packaging.
Wooden swords, bats, prop canes, staffs, etc.: Are allowed, but must be peacebonded.
Bows and Arrows: Bows and arrows are allowed, however: no tips on the arrows, and all bows must remain unstrung for the entirety of the convention. You may hold the arrow in place for pictures with the bow unstrung.
Whips: Are allowed, and must be kept coiled up on the hip.
Mostly non-metal prop weapons: Weapons and props with a metal handle, or hilt are allowed. (ex: a Lightsaber or wooden sword)

Gaylord Photography Policies
- Photographers are allowed to take photos in the resort’s public space using HAND-HELD equipment only. Equipment cannot extend greater than a 15 inch radius around or above the photographer or subject. Free-standing equipment is not permitted.
- Photographers and/or equipment cannot block any public area or impede the safe traffic flow of others (entrances, exits, hallways, etc.).
- Absolutely no set up of lighting with light stands, ladders, backdrops, large props/signs on the floor, running cords/wires across the floor, etc. will be allowed in public space areas.
- The use of drones is not permitted.
- Attendees and photographers are not permitted in the Back of House (back halls of the resort).
- It is not permitted to take photos of STARS (resort employees) or other hotel guests NOT attending Nan Desu Kan.
- Photography is not permitted in the pool area (Arapahoe Springs).
- Photographers and their subjects (attendees in costume) must also respect the hotel environment by not being disruptive or doing anything unsafe, including but not limited to:
- Standing on furniture
- Climbing on any rock formations or railings
- Climbing on any bronze statues (horses at the front drive, elk in the grand lodge, etc)
- Hanging items from a light pole or any other part of the building
- All photographers MUST have valid Nan Desu Kan credentials (attendee badge).